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Residence permits on grounds of legitimate and special purpose

Residence permit application


All applicants for a residence permit must

  • prove their identity with a valid passport

  • give correct information about their purpose of stay in Iceland

  • meet the following basic requirements

Special requirements for permits on grounds of legitimate and special purpose

  • You must be 18 or older.

  • The purpose of your stay must be legitimate and special. Instances that can be considered as grounds for such a permit according to the regulation of foreign nationals:

    • A foreigner who is injured or becomes ill while in Iceland and needs to extend the stay, for this reason, if a long-term visa does not apply to his/her circumstances.

    • A foreigner who is a relative of a person who is injured or becomes ill while in Iceland. Relatives in this instance refer to a spouse, cohabiting partner and parents.

    • A foreigner expecting a child that will have Icelandic citizenship. A confirmation must be submitted on the pregnancy and also a statement by the father, if the mother is a foreign person.

    • A foreigner who is a party to a lawsuit before an Icelandic court of law provided his/her stay in Iceland is necessary for the court case.  

  • This is not a complete list of instances. The Directorate of Immigration assesses whether other instances are considered as legitimate and special.

Residence permit application