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Taxi operating permit

Application for a taxi operating permit

Conditions for operating a taxi

A party who meets all of the following conditions may obtain an operating permit for a taxi.

  • Legal domicile within the European Economic Area (EEA)

  • 21 years of age

  • Driving license of at least three years (general driving license, B-qualification)

  • Professional driving license (B-far)

  • Have passed taxi courses both for taxi drivers and taxi operators

  • Good reputation, that is, that the applicant has not been guilty of criminal conduct (criminal record)

  • Handling agreement with a taxi station - Single-car taxi operator may be his own station

  • Authority to manage an estate, confirmation that the applicant is not in bankruptcy proceedings (certificate of estate - Búsforræðisvottorð)

  • Not in arrears on public fees

Conditions for the taxi

  • Applicant is the sole owner or occupier of a car to be used as a taxi

  • Taxi insurance

  • Once all documents are received and assessed as fulfilling, a confirmation is issued for the car to be changed to a taxi. Then the applicant has to take the car to an inspection station for a taxi inspection. Once that is completed the taxi operator permit can be issued.

Requirements of a taxi operating permit holder that is operating as it's own taxi station with a single car

  • To keep an electronic file, which stores the satellite data of each journey sold for each journey to be traced, shall be kept for at least 60 days from the time the journey was made.

  • To ensure that if another driver is driving the taxi that it is registered in the taxi database.

See further Lög um leigubifreiðaakstur

Application for a taxi operating permit