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Permit to operate passenger vessel

Application for passenger license/ renewal of passenger license

Requirements for passenger licences

-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

The following conditions must be met before a passenger licence is granted:

  • Emergency plan

Before issuing a passenger licence, the Icelandic Transport Authority shall have to approve the ship''s emergency plan, which shall be set up in one or more prominent places on board. The emergency plan shall specify the tasks and duties of each crew member in the event of an emergency, cf. Article 3 on authorisations for the carriage of passengers by ships no.

  • Approval of the safety device drawings

Before issuing a passenger permit, the Icelandic Transportt Authority must approve a drawing of the arrangements for the ship's safety equipment to be placed in one or more places on board, cf. Article 3 of the Passenger Carriage Authorisation for Ships No.

  • Safety education of passengers

Before a passenger permit is issued, the Icelandic Transport Authority must approve a passenger safety education plan, cf. Article 3 of Regulation on authorisations for the carriage of passengers by ships no.

  • Security manning

Before issuing a passenger licence, the Icelandic Transport Authority must decide on the manning of passenger ships and issue a safety manning certificate for them, providing for a minimum number of crew, crew composition and certification for individual positions. Every Icelandic passenger ship shall be manned in a safe manner to enable all aspects of the safety of the crew, passengers and ship to be attended to. Passenger ships must be manned in such a way that all laws and regulations concerning the protection of the environment, in particular those concerning the prevention of pollution by the sea and the biota, can be observed.

  • Maximum number of passengers

Before a passenger licence is issued the Icelandic Transport Authority must determine the maximum number of passengers permitted to be on board, cf. Article 4 of the Passenger Transport Permit for Ships, No. 463/1998. Such a decision is based on, for example, the size of the ship, the area of operations and conditions on board.

  • Area of travel

Before issuing a passenger licence, the Icelandic Transport Authority must assign the ship a passenger area in accordance with laws and regulations. The area of operation of a passenger ship is always subject to the certification granted to its ship''s masters.

  • Construction and equipment requirements differing according to the passenger ship

The construction and equipment requirements of high speed passenger craft, new passenger ships and existing passenger ships in length and up to 24 metres, depending on the area of operation, vary considerably.

  • Outdoor activities

Before issuing a passenger licence, the Icelandic Transport Authority must approve the maximum length of each journey, cf. Article 4 of the Regulation on authorisations for passenger transport services by ships no. 463/1998.

  • Insurance

There shall be provided security for all crew and passengers on board passenger ships. The type of insurance requirements may vary depending on the size, area of operation and the activities of the ship. If the insurance ceases to apply, the passenger licence shall also expire.

Application for passenger license/ renewal of passenger license