Drone Ban over ceased volcanic eruption site near Grindavík
7th January 2025
Due to research of the ceased volcanic eruption site near Grindavík, the Icelandic Transport Authority, at the request of the Suðurnes district Civil Command Centre, has prohibited all drone flights over an area within the following coordinates: 63°52'17"N022°22'19"W 63°53'02"N022°26'35"W 63°53'36"N022°26'32"W 63°55'03"N022°22'21"W 63°54'16"N022°18'12"W

The ban applies from surface (SFC) up to 2500 feet above mean sea level (AMSL).
The ban is valid during the hours between 0830 and 1530 for 8 and 9 January 2025.
Requests for exemptions should be submitted to the Suðurnes district Civil Command Centre via email at almannavarnirsudurnes@logreglan.is.