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National Planning Agency Frontpage

National Planning Agency

This news article is more than a year old

Coastal Plan of the Eastern Seaboard approved by the Regional Council (1)

19th December 2022

The proposal for a coastal area plan in the Eastfjords, which develops a policy for the exploitation and protection of the coastal areas of the Eastfjords, was advertised for public presentation in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on the Planning of the Sea and Coastal Regions no. 88/2018 and the presentation period of the proposal was from 15 June - 15 September.


The proposal was published on the website of the Icelandic Planning Agency and advertised in the newspaper Bændablaðið, Fréttablaðið, Lögbirtingarblaðið, Morgunblaðið and other local media in the East Fjords as well as on the websites of the surrounding municipalities. Two open briefings were held in the East Fjords on the proposal in June. In addition, a joint briefing on the proposals for the East Fjords and West Fjords coastal area planning in Reykjavík was held in August, which was also streamed.

The Regional Council received a total of 98 comments on the proposal for a coastal zone plan for the East Fjords. A summary of the written comments received on the proposal and the response of the Regional Council to them is now available. The comments received were considered and the proposal updated as necessary. The Regional Council approved the proposal for a coastal zone plan for the East Fjords on 6 December. Afterwards the proposal was sent to the Minister of Infrastructure for confirmation in accordance with Article 13 of the Law on the Planning of the Sea and Coastal Regions, and is now awaiting confirmation by the Minister.

The response of the Regional Council to the comments and the updated data of the proposal can be found here.

National Planning Agency

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