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The Health Care Institution of South Iceland Frontpage

The Healthcare Institution of South Iceland

This news article is more than a year old

Women's Associations in South Iceland donate to HSU

1st December 2022

On November 29th 2022, the chairs of the women's associations in South Iceland along with the chair of the Union of South Iceland Women (SSK) visited HSU. The occasion was to thank them especially for the gifts they made during the Covid period.


On November 29th 2022, the chairs of the women's associations in South Iceland along with the chair of the Union of South Icelandic Women (SSK) visited HSU. The occasion was to thank them especially for the gifts they made during the Covid period.

At the beginning of Covid there was a great deal of uncertainty as to how everything would develop, whether spaces would be filled and how well we could take care of our sick people. There were difficult reports from abroad about an increase in patients on ventilators and inpatients in intensive care. The Union of South Icelandic Women responded quickly and provided oxygen saturation meters to HSU. These sensors were used to increase the number of oxygen saturation meters in health care centres and in ambulances as well as becoming of good use them in home care services to keep more people out of hospital.

In December 2021, women'associations also provided a device that measures neonatal bilirubin and assesses the presence of neonatal jaundice. Bilirubin may increase after birth and it may be necessary to measure and respond to it. It is dangerous for the child's health to rise to high values. This chemical can be measured in blood and skin. Measuring a newborn through the skin is a great benefit since it is a painless, fast and reliable process for the newborn and its parents.

In addition, the SSK women reacted quickly when the jaundice meter of the Selfoss midwife service turned out to be broken and gave the department a new one. This meter is widely used.

Over the years, the women's associations have been an invaluable and strong supporter of HSU and their contributions have been much appreciated. For example, since 2010 they have knitted and given infant hats to all newborns in South Iceland.