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The Health Care Institution of South Iceland Frontpage

The Healthcare Institution of South Iceland

Good morale and great care amongst the staff

5th October 2024

HSU in Vestmannaeyjar // Jóna Björgvinsdóttir, office and operations manager

Jóna Björgvinsdóttir, rekstrar- og skrifstofustjóri

We are now heading to Vestmannaeyjar to talk briefly with Jóna Björgvinsdóttir, the office and operations manager of the Southern Health Institute in Vestmanneyjar. Jóna has worked at the institution continuously since 2001
"I was born and raised in Vestmannaeyjar. I later completed a bookkeeping course at Reykjavík University and a postgraduate course at the University of Bifröst. As a teenager, I worked in the fish processing industry, but have mostly done office work as an adult. I am a widow and have three children, three children-in-law, and seven grandchildren. As for life after work, my hobbies are mountain climbing, fitness, and knitting."

"The best thing about the workplace is the people here - the human capital itself - but the best thing about Eyjar is the size of the town, the people, and the nature. I have worked here at HSU for over 20 years and I really like it. The morale is good and the care of the colleagues towards each other is great."

We ask Jóna to tell us a little more about her work and subjects. "I am in charge of various aspects daily, for example, the organization of work units, cooperation with managers, and the provision of information to staff about various aspects of our operations. In my work cycle, there is also a lot of work with the human resources team, and taking care of the needs of other departments as needed."

"I work a lot on my own and am actually a direct connection to the executive board and therefore handle most aspects of the hospital, health care, and nursing home Hraunbúðir. On the horizon is further expanding the relationship with Hraunbúðir, which is a very interesting project and will probably be extremely educational. I will have facilities at Hraunbúður twice a week and therefore get to know the staff and the household there better and I think it will be beneficial."