Residence permit cards accepted for issuance of electronic ID
17th December 2024
Passports no longer required

Residence permit cards issued by the Directorate of Immigration have now been accepted as satisfactory identity cards for being issued an electronic ID.
This means that foreign nationals holding Icelandic residence permit cards can now obtain electronic ID without presenting a passport. For refugees, whose status has been recognized and who do not have a passport from their home country, this means that they no longer need to obtain a travel document for refugees for the purpose of obtaining an electronic ID.
According to the website of Auðkenni, ID cards must meet the following conditions:
The name must be the same as that registerd at Registers Iceland, if the ID number (kennitala) of the applicant is not on the ID card presented.
The date of birth must be the same as registerd at Registers Iceland.
The photo of the ID card holder must be clear.
The ID card must be valid on the date of applying for an electronic ID.
You can apply for an electronic ID at various locations around the country.
Please note that residence permit cards issued on the basis of provisional residence permits are not accepted as ID cards.