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Directorate of Immigration Frontpage
Directorate of Immigration Frontpage

Directorate of Immigration


A fee must be paid for the processing of applications for residence permits, Icelandic citizenship and visas.

The fee is not refunded after the application has been submitted. The amount is determined in the Act on Revenue Increase of the State.

Digital online applications

If you apply digitally, payment must be made in the last step of the online application procedure.

Do not pay for online applications with a bank transfer.

This applies to digital applications for Icelandic citizenship, permanent residence permit and residence permit renewals.

Paper applications

For paper applications it is necessary to pay the processing fee by bank transfer and attach the payment receipt to the application for confirmation.

Unpaid applications will be returned to the applicant.

Paper applications can be delivered to the drop box in the lobby of the Directorate of Immigration at Dalvegur 18 or sent by regular mail to the same address.

Directorate of Immigration (see map)
Dalvegur 18
201 Kópavogur

Applications can also be handed in and paid for in the Directorate’s reception or at the offices of District Commissioners outside the capital area.

Instructions for payment by bank transfer

  • A paper application must be paid for before it is posted/submitted.

  • A receipt of payment must accompany a paper application, or else it will be returned to sender by regular mail. The same applies to applications for which payment has not been made in full.

  • Applicant's name and date of birth must be provided as an explanation with the payment, e.g. 01.02.1985, John Smith.

  • The payment receipt should contain information about

    • payers name

    • payers date of birth / ID number (kennitala)

    • recipient of payment

    • explanation: applicant's name and date of birth

    • amount paid and

    • date of payment.

  • Be advised that your bank may charge a commission fee for international transfers. If that fee is not paid separately the bank will withdraw it from your transferred amount.

  • Do not pay for online applications with a bank transfer. Such applications are paid for in the last step of the online application procedure.

Domestic payments

Account number: 0515-26-410424
ID number: 670269-6399

Foreign payments

IBAN: IS05 0515 26 410424 670269 6399
Bank name: Íslandsbanki hf.
Bank location: Suðurlandsbraut 14, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland

Processing fees