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Some forms can be completed electronically, while others must be printed before they are completed or signed.
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Forms for healthcare professionals
Notification of unforeseen serious incidents. (Icelandic)
Summary of incidents experienced by patients/healthcare users. Fill in electronically, then print and sign. Sent to the Directorate of Health twice a year. (Icelandic)
Recording of incidents. Template for healthcare facilities.
Fill in electronically, then print and sign. Only for use in a healthcare facility or at the premises of a healthcare practitioner. Not sent to the Directorate of Health. (Icelandic)
Form for patients or immediate family members
Notification of unforeseen serious incident - for patients or immediate family members (doc). Fill in electronically, then print, sign, and send to the Directorate of Health with Signet Transfer. (Icelandic)
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Application for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Save the document, fill it out electronically, then print, sign, and mail
Application for respite admission to a nursing home (Icelandic)
Save the document, fill it out electronically, then print, sign, and mail.Attachment I. Nursing home pre-admission assessment. Instructions (Icelandic)
Attachment II. Nursing home pre-admission assessment – Overview (Icelandic)
Attachment III. Nursing home pre-admission assessment – Assessment sheet (Icelandic)
Application for access to Register of Nursing Home Pre-Admission Assessment (for professionals) (Icelandic)
Nursing home pre-admission assessment committees. Requests and various documents
Capital Region Health District
Referral letter from a doctor for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Information about social conditions and social services for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Respite admission:
Referral letter from a doctor regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Information about social conditions and social services regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Vestfirðir Health District
Referral letter from a doctor for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Information about social conditions and social services for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Respite admission:
Referral letter from a doctor regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Information on social conditions and social services regarding a temporary stay in a nursing home (Icelandic)
Norðurland Health District
Referral letter from a doctor for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Request for information for day training (Icelandic)
Request for information to social services (Icelandic)
Suðurland Health District
Referral letter from a doctor for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Referral letter from a nurse for nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Information from a social worker regarding a client who requests a nursing home pre-admission assessment (Icelandic)
Respite admission:
Suðurnes Health District
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Application for participation in Health-Promoting Primary school (Icelandic)
Save the document, fill it out electronically, print and send it signed to the Directorate of Health
Application for participation in Health-Promoting Preschool (Icelandic)
Save the document, fill it out electronically, print and send it signed to the Directorate of Health
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Form for general questions regarding health services (Icelandic)
Form for complaints regarding health services (Icelandic)
Authorization - A patient's or family member's complaint to the Directorate of Health. Form (doc) Fill it out electronically, then print it, sign it, and send it to the Directorate of Health. (Icelandic)
More information: Questions and complaints regarding health services
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Application - Public Health Fund
Electronic application from the Public Health Fund.
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Request to get access to own personal data (Icelandic)
Save the document, fill it out electronically, print it out, and send it signed to the Directorate of Health.
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Health services operations
Notification of health services operation - form (Icelandic)
Notification of changes in the operation of health services - form (Icelandic)
Notification of the discontinuation of the operation of healthcare services (Icelandic)
Exemption after age 75
Telehealth services
Human cells and tissues
Supervised consumption service
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Patient consent to surgery, anesthesia, sedation, special tests or other interventional procedure (Icelandic)
Fill out electronically, then print, sign, and send by Signet transfer.Register of head lice cases in primary schools and preschools (Icelandic)
Fill out electronically, then print, sign, and send by Signet transfer.Notification of food poisoning / foodborne infection (Icelandic)
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Application form - Access to data from health registers (Icelandic)
Prohibition on the use of biological specimens in scientific research or their storage in biobanks - form (Icelandic)
Print, fill out, and mail
Application for access to Register of Nursing Home Pre-Admission Assessment (for professionals) (Icelandic)
Fill out electronically, then print and sign and send to the Directorate of Health