Today is the unofficial day of the skate.
23rd December 2024
Today, a large portion of the Icelandic population will sit down to eat skate, and on that occasion, we have compiled some information about this interesting species.

Various information about the skate:
In 2024, 383,603 kg of skate were landed in Iceland.
36% of the catch was caught with bottom trawls, 35% with longlines and 21% danish seine.
The highest landing port this year is Sandgerðishöfn.
Skates lay eggs that many of us know as "Peter's Ship". These eggs are often found on beaches around the world.
Skates have one of the largest livers in the animal kingdom, which can be up to 1/4 of their body weight. This help them stay close to the seabed.
Skates have spiny skin that protects them from predators.
Some skate species can live up to 100 years.
There are over 200 species of skates worldwide.