Nursing homes and daycare facilities for the elderly
Assistance devices for residents in nursing homes
In March 2022, the rules on subsidies for assistive devices for residents in nursing homes were changed. Iceland Health now pays subsidies for certain assistive devices to residents in nursing homes that were previously in the hands of the nursing homes themselves to provide and pay for. This applies for example to certain assistive devices for respiratory and circulatory therapy, support devices, stoma devices, walking grinds, wheelchairs and accessories with them and computers for specialized communication.
The amendment includes that a person in a home who uses certain assistive devices, such as this one, will keep them when he moves into the home, instead of the nursing home providing him with other assistive devices instead.
The said changes are provided for by regulation no. 239/2022 amending regulation no. 427/213 on payments to elderly institutions for healthcare services and regulation no. 238/2022 amending regulation no. 760/2021 on subsidies for assistive devices.
It is pointed out that nursing homes apply for the relevant assistive devices on behalf of their residents through Gagnagátt. If there is no 100% payment participation by Iceland Health, the difference is paid by the nursing homes.

Service provider
Iceland Health