23rd January 2024
23rd January 2024
This news article is more than a year old
Newsletter January 2024
Newsletter of Digital Iceland January 2024.

Digital Iceland shortlisted for an international award!
Digital Iceland is nominated in a category that focuses on Government & Citizen Engagement. The World Summit Awards (WSA) annually awards projects that promote digital innovation in the interest of social reform. Awards are awarded in eight categories, with Digital Iceland nominated for Government & Citizen Engagement.The award ceremony will take place in Patagonia Chile in mid-April.
WSA has awarded worthy projects for two decades, with 182 participating countries. WSA was founded by the United Nations in 2003 and aims to improve access for all to the digital world. WSA evaluates projects based on their impact on the local community and how they support the UN’s global goals.
Digital Iceland is part of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. It employs 11 people, but over 250 people working for institutions and cooperative companies are part of the Ísland.is community. Digital Iceland helps public institutions improve their digital services to the public by making the service clearer, simpler, and faster.
This year's shortlisted projects
2023 in Numbers
Use of the core services of Iceland.is increased significantly in 2022
Ísland.is: The website received around 18 million views, an increase of almost 8 million between years.
25 institutions and projects have moved their websites to Ísland.is.
The Digital Mailbox: 9 million documents were sent during the year, of which 2 million were opened.
Application system: 31 institutions use the application system and 165,385 applications passed through during the year.
My pages: On average, there are 200 thousand registrations and the biggest month of the year was November.
The Ísland.is app: About 140 thousand have set up the app and about 30 thousand users use the app on average per month.
91% registered kilometer fee
On 20 January, the deadline for registering the kilometer status of electric, hydrogen, and plug-in hybrid vehicles expired. At the end of that registration, 46,610 vehicles had been registered, or about 91% of the total, and thus avoided receiving the estimated kilometer fee.
Article on kilometer registration
Electric car grants
The first application for an electric car grant went through the application system of Ísland.is in the past week. The application process was fully automatic from application to payment.
Read about the electric car grants
Digital estate settlements
All processes related to the division of estates have come to digital form and are available on Ísland.is.
Residence permit 29%
Private communication 50%
Public exchanges 7%
Assetless farms 14%
Read about inheritance and estates
District Commissioners fully Digital
In 2023, the District Commissioners in collaboration with us launched a total of 46 projects on Ísland.is. That is double the number of projects launched in 2022 when 23 projects were launched. The projects are diverse, ranging from publishing data on Ísland.is to applications and more complex projects such as an application for a passport, a P-card, and inheritance and estates.
Presidential elections 2024
Kosning.is is now available on Ísland.is, where you can find all important information about the upcoming elections. The next elections will take place on June 1 where Icelanders will elect a president.
More about the presidential elections 2024
Work in process at Digital Iceland:
Ownership of machinery and equipment
Renewal of driving licences
My Pages: Finance, Movements within a period
My pages: The Social Insurance Administration’s payment plan
My pages: My Intellectual Property Rights
My pages: The Student Summary from INNU
My Pages: Healthcare Professional Permits
Electronic Inheritance Report
Electronic registration of real estate purchase agreements
Permit: The fishing license
Reporting of work accidents
Application for a residence permit
Application for renewal of residence permits iteration
Application for pension
Application for university
Application for citizenship iteration
Application for authentication
Information website on university education in Iceland
The website of the State Prosecutor
The website of the Social Insurance Administration
The website of the Directorate of Labour