30th December 2024
30th December 2024
Newsletter December 2024
Newsletter of Digital Iceland December 2024.

Welcome to Ísland.is
The number of public websites that onboarded their content to Ísland.is reached 51 in the week before Christmas. This is a great accomplishment and an important milestone in only two years. In addition, another dozen websites are preparing onboarding.
This December, five websites were launched: the National Planning Agency, the National Planning Strategy, Marine Planning, the Data Protection Authority, and the Climate and Energy Fund. We welcome all these agencies to the Icelandic community. This integration ensures better service to citizens, simplification of processes, and increased collaboration and dialogue between institutions.
Under review is the onboarding of the Government of Iceland to Ísland.is and to open up the possibility for municipalities to move their content to Ísland.is like institutions. The thought is that this would simplify both information and procedures greatly but it is important to prepare well to ensure continued success.
While we are thankful for the cooperation during the year we are looking forward to the year ahead, with further opportunities for simplifying life await.
With a Christmas greeting,
the staff of Digital Iceland
Framework Agreement 3.0
A new tender is being prepared for the framework agreement of Digital Iceland. The aim is to hold an information meeting in mid-January 2025 and to advertise the tender at the end of January 2025. Interested parties are encouraged to register to follow the progress of the tender by sending an email to island@island.is.
Framework agreement - Ísland.is consultants
A tender for the purchase of consulting services has been completed and an agreement has been made with 26 consultants. A briefing on the operations of Digital Iceland will take place in mid-January next year following a course that will be held specifically for the consultants, briefing them on the "way of work" at Digital Iceland.
Read more about the consultant tender
The identity Card on Ísland.is
An application for the Icelandic Identity Card can now be found on Ísland.is. In review is a digital version of the Identity Card like that of Icelandic passports. The Identity Card will only be valid domestically and therefore not a valid travel document.
WHODAS - assessment of skills on Ísland.is
Assessment of skills is an assessment tool to assess the need of older people for home care. Assessment of skills is the self-assessment of individuals or their relatives.
The assessment tool is part of improvements being made in service for older generations of Iceland, Gott að eldast.
More on the WHODAS assessment tool
Welcome Mountains!
Sigurður Fjalar Sigurðsson is a new member of Digital Iceland and will start work in the new year. Fjalar comes to us from Reykjavík City and will be in the role of project and product manager. We warmly welcome Fjalar!
Welcome Kristrún!
Kristrún Heiða Hauksdóttir is the new Chief Editor of Ísland.is and will begin work in January. Kristrún has extensive experience from the administration as well as having worked as a journalist and director of promotion. We welcome Kristrún warmly!
Among the projects of Digital Iceland:
Applications on Ísland.is
Acknowledgement of school attendance (primary school)
Changing the primary school
Revocation of old-age pension
Registration of a lease
TR Revenue Plan
Reporting of work accidents
Reporting an online crime
Application for a higher education degree
Processing tissues
Civil Protection
The District Court
Health care in the capital area
Landspítali National University Hospital
The police
Directorate of Labour
The Digital Iceland Proxy System - in progress
Mandate for the Director of Enterprise
My pages Ísland.is
Prescriptions and Pharmaco history
Place on a waiting list