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25th January 2024

This news article is more than a year old

Large-scale increase in health insurance services to the general public

In the past years, Icelandic Health has greatly improved its services using digital solutions.

Skjámynd 2024-01-25 135951

In the past years, Icelandic Health has greatly improved its services using digital solutions. The journey began with the publication of information to users in a new way and with the transfer of the website to Í in 2022. Since then, applications and service processes have been systematically brought to digital form. Nest up is closing the Réttindagátt Portal and thereby moving all services to Í My pages.

The transfer of the Réttindagátt portal and the publication of information on Í My Pages was carried out in several stages in 2023, as the project was extremely extensive. With the transfer, major changes were made to the publication where information about each individual is recorded on the person’s access. The system uses agency functions to provide guardians with information about children. Also, information is now available for the first time in English.

The collaboration with Digital Iceland has been extremely successful and the results have led to solutions aimed at increasing access to information and making it possible for the public to get the main information in self-service. Sigurður Helgi Helgason CEO of Icelandic Health.

Icelandic Health deserves great credit for its progress and ambition in improving service to its users. The institution employs strong people and cooperation has been successful. Birna Íris Jónsdóttir CEO of Digital Iceland

Icelandic Health has raised the standard of digital services and improved the accessibility of its users to their own data. The project was carried out in close cooperation with Digital Iceland and their software development partners.

Publication of data and services by Iceland Health on My pages Í

First phase

Physical training, speech and occupational therapy, assistive devices and nutrition. Accessible from June 2023.

  • An overview of the costs that Icelandic Health Insurance participates in paying for individuals who need training. It is a health, speech and occupational training.

  • An overview of subsidies granted by the Icelandic Health Insurance for the purchase of assistive devices, hearing aids, nutrition and special foods.

Second phase

Healthcare and dentists. Available from July 2023

  • Information is published on where the person is registered in health care and with which general practitioner if applicable. History of registrations and can be changed about health care.

  • Information about registered dentists for children and pensioners. You can change your registration and check dental accounts.

Third phase

Medicines and Health Review. Available from October 2023

  • A summary of the level of customers’ healthcare purchases is published.

  • Information on a medicinal product licence.

  • A drug calculator based on the level of the person.

  • Health statement is a landing page for a new health category on My pages. It will contain the main information that the user wants to see in a statement. At the moment, it contains information from the Icelandic Health Insurance, e.g. the status of health insurance and you can download confirmation of health insurance.

Fourth phase

Payments and EU cards under Licence. Available in November 2023

  • Information on the payment participation of the Health Insurance in the healthcare of an individual.

  • A payment statement shows the credit and debt, as well as the statement of accounts.

  • Information on the EU card is now available on My pages.

Read more about Icelandic Health on their website on Í