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16th July 2024

End of coastal fishing

Today is the last day of coastal fishing. About 500 tons were left of the allocated coastal fishing quota this morning which is a little more than yesterdays catch.

fiskistofa coastal fishing photo

Since many vessels went coastal fishing this morning and similar catch number are expected, The Directorate of Fisheries deemed it necessary to stop coastal fishing as from tomorrow. Announcement of the closure will be published in the Government Gazette later today and takes effect from tomorrow.

All coastal fishing permits will expire as of tomorrow, and vessels will therefore be allowed to fish on the basis of general permits after that point. If a vessel was in category zero before receiving a coastal fishing permit, a general fishing permit must be applied for before going fishing. Permit status of vessel can be checked on the Directorate of Fisheries website under vessel search, but please note that the coastal fishing permit can be displayed as valid for a few days even though it has been revoked.

Those who have the right to regional quota and want to be allocated after the end of coastal fishing are advised to send a message to and request for allocation. Be aware that we are quite busy with allocation of the regional quota in the days after the coastal fishing have stopped, but we will attempt to respond to all messages as quickly as possible.

Note that the counter contribution status on the Directorate of Fisheries data page may be undercounted, as the submission of VOR reports for the month of June is not due until the 20th of July. If the fishing operator anticipates having to receive regional quotas allocated before that time and believes that he meets the requirement of the counter contribution, but the balance is not listed correctly on our data page, we advise operators to contact the processing plant.