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18th January 2024

This news article is more than a year old

Digital Iceland shortlisted for International Prize

Digital Iceland is nominated in a category that focuses on Government & Citizen Engagement.

WSA Shortlisted 2023 rgb

The World Summit Awards (WSA) annually awards projects that promote digital innovation in the interest of social reform. Awards are awarded in eight categories, with Digital Iceland nominated for Government & Citizen Engagement.

Being shortlisted is a recognition of the work the Government of Iceland has done in promoting digital infrastructure for the benefit of society. It is a testament to the fact that we are reaching the Government’s goal of Iceland becoming among the leading nations in the field of digital public services. It is very satisfying that this is being noticed internationally.

Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs

The award ceremony will take place in Patagonia Chile in mid-April.

WSA has awarded worthy projects for two decades, with 182 participating countries. WSA was founded by the United Nations in 2003 and aims to improve access for all to the digital world. WSA evaluates projects based on their impact on the local community and how they support the UN’s global goals.

Digital Iceland is part of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. It employs 11 people, but over 250 people working for institutions and cooperative companies are part of the Í community. Digital Iceland helps public institutions improve their digital services to the public by making the service clearer, simpler, and faster.

Read more about WSA

This years shortlisted projects


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