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Name stamps for manufacturers and importers of precious metals

If you manufacture or import products made from precious metals, you must apply for the registration of a name stamp at HMS.

The stamp identifies the manufacturer, seller or importer of the product. It ensures product traceability, protects consumers and promotes fair competition. A name stamp also enables you to sell products abroad.


  1. You want to manufacture gold jewelry.

  2. You apply for the name stamp AAA and mark the jewelry with it along with a purity stamp.

  3. You mark a piece of jewelry with AAA 585 which refers both to you and the 58,5% pure gold content.

Precious metals

Products made from precious metals are products that are produced partially or entirely from a precious metal or alloy.

  • Gold

  • Silver

  • Platinum

  • Palladium


Application for a name stamp for manufacturers and importers of precious metals.

The application must contain the name, kennitala and address of an individual or company.


Make sure the name stamp you want is not already in use, see the HMS list of approved name stamps.

A name stamp can either be a row of letters or a logo, for example a company’s trademark.

A row of letters

  • The row can contain letters related to the applicant’s name, both in upper and lower case.

Logos and symbols

Supporting documents

If you want your name stamp to be a logo, not a row of letters, the application must include:

Application approved

When you have submitted the application you will receive confirmation by email. If the application is approved you will receive another email a few days later confirming that.

HMS will send a payment slip to your internet bank. When you have paid the name stamp is considered approved and will be added to the list of name stamps on our website.

Application declined

HMS will contact you by email if the application is declined due to some deficiency, for example if the name stamp is already in use or a logo is considered to be too similar to another name stamp.


The application fee for a name stamp is 10.000 ISK

HMS supervises products made of precious metals. Individuals or companies have to pay a 12.000 ISK inspection fee in February each year. The inspection fee is paid for each location.

Laws on name stamps.