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Health insurance upon moving from Iceland

Students abroad

A student means a person other than a worker or self-employed person who is studying or training, which ends with the issuance of a certificate of education recognized by the authorities.

If a student takes up permanent residence or paid work in the study country, he or she must report this to Registers Iceland and will no longer be covered by Icelandic insurance.

Information for students in the Nordic countries

Individuals who go to study in the Nordic countries usually have to settle there and are therefore covered by the social security rules of the country in question.

Healthcare services are provided according to the rules in the country in question and payment participation can be different between countries.

Students from the Nordic countries who come to Iceland during their studies are entitled to temporary health insurance while they stay in Iceland.

  • Send application for temporary health insurance two weeks before arrival in Iceland

  • It must be accompanied by a confirmation of studies

  • The data shall be transmitted through Data submission of individuals

Studying in EEA countries, UK and Switzerland

Students abroad, outside the Nordic countries, can maintain their legal domicile in Iceland during their studies and retain their right to social security. Students must however familiarize themselves with the rules of the country to which they are traveling. Students and their families are entitled to healthcare services there if necessary within the national public healthcare system in accordance with EEA rules on social security.

The European Health Insurance Card must be submitted upon arrival at a healthcare institution.

If students have problems with the European Health Insurance Card, they can send a question through our contact form.

  • If a student abroad and/or his/her family members have had to pay full medical expenses abroad, they may be entitled to reimbursement of foreign medical expenses part of the health insurance

  • When moving to the UK, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and fees for student social security

Studying outside EEA countries and Switzerland

Students from non-EEA countries can apply for a declaration of insurance for themselves and their families. It is in fact confirmation of the participation of Iceland Health in the medical costs that a student may incur while studying abroad.

Iceland Health participates in health care costs as if they were national costs, but in addition, Iceland Health pays a certain percentage of the excess costs.

Students' insurance statements may, as appropriate, reduce the portion of tuition fees that would otherwise go towards the student's health insurance. Individuals themselves must check whether or not Iceland Health statement is adequate.

Application for a declaration of insurance

A confirmation of your studies must be submitted during the application process. A declaration of assurance is generated in the Digital Mailbox, which can be printed out and taken with.

  • It is not enough to show that a student has been approved to start a particular program, it needs to be stated when the student is scheduled to start and when it ends.

Service provider

Ice­land Health