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Sexually transmitted diseases

Where do I get tested for STD?

-Automatic translation

STDs are common but often asymptomatic. It is important to get tested for STDs after sex with a new sexual partner, especially if a condom is not used. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are not diagnosed until 7 to 14 days after possible infection, and 6 to 12 weeks must pass before a reliable result is obtained from blood tests that detect HIV and syphilis. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and syphilis are notifiable diseases and infection must be traced.

Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Department A1, Landspítali Hospital, Fossvogur

Individuals with electronic IDs request examinations and advice through the Landspítali Patient app. The app can be accessed on Google Play and in the Apple Store under the name Landspítali. See more information on the website of the Outpatient Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases. Individuals who do not have an electronic ID can call: 543 6050 between 9:00–12:00 and 13:00–15:00 weekdays and service requested.

The department's services are open to everyone and are free of charge.

Health clinics

The central healthcare information service provides advice on Heilsuvera's online chat and by phone +354-513-1700.

You can have a sexually transmitted disease test at health centers. See the service website. The health center in Akureyri also offers a reception for young people on Tuesdays from 13:00–16:00, you need to book an appointment by calling +354-432-4600, see details on the health care website.

The services of health centers for sexually transmitted diseases are free of charge.

Outpatient Department of Infectious Diseases, Department A3, Landspítali Hospital, Fossvogur

You can contact the outpatient department for HIV tests and hepatitis B and C tests on phone +354 543 6040 or by email: See more information on the website of the Outpatient Department of Infectious Diseases.

The department's services are open to everyone and are free of charge

Specialist doctors in private clinics

Most doctors can send a request for tests because of a suspected STD.

The Doctor's shift and emergency rooms

For urgent problems that cannot wait until the next working day, you can contact the Doctor's shift, which is open between 17:00–22:00 on all working days and between 9:00–22:00 on weekends and public holidays. You can also go to an organized emergency service in the rural areas and the capital area if you have an urgent problem.


  • You can request sexually transmitted disease examinations and advice at the dermatology and venereal disease outpatient department of Landspítali Hospital, Fossvogi through the Landspítali Patient app or by calling during the department's opening hours.

  • You can also contact health clinics throughout the country.

  • You can get an HIV test every weekday with a doctor's request. Anyone diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease should go at least once for an HIV test.

  • For urgent problems outside of business hours that cannot stand waiting, you can call The Doctor's shift and other organized emergency services in the capital area and in the countryside.

  • You have to wait a few days for the test results, this is necessary to ensure the quality of the results. The process takes a different amount of time depending on which disease is being diagnosed. Teenagers as well as others have access to the above places.