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The Í App

While a criminal case is being investigated by the police and handled by the prosecution, the accused and the injured party are entitled to be informed of the status of the case and access to its records as further specified in the Act on Criminal Procedure. The main consideration is that the provision of information and access to documents cannot be harmful to the investigation of the case.

Access to criminal investigation data that has been completed may be permitted to the accused and the injured party unless special considerations for the protection of the accused, witnesses or other parties contradict this. The same applies to any person demonstrating that he or she has legally protected interests at stake.

A case shall be considered to have been closed when its investigation has been terminated, it has been dropped due to the status of evidence, the prosecution of the case has been dropped, it has been concluded with a settlement by the commissioner of police or final judgment has been delivered.

Authorisation to access a case file does not extend to data or parts of data that contain sensitive personal data concerning another person than the person who wishes to acquaint himself with the data, unless the person in question demonstrates that he or she has a legally protected interest.

Access by others to data

The police, prosecutors, judges and prison authorities are permitted access to all case materials for use in their work.

The chief of police in the district where the investigation data is stored or the district prosecutor shall decide whether to grant a request for access to such data. A decision by a commissioner of police or a district prosecutor to refuse a request for access to case materials or to some extent to restrict it shall be notified to a party in writing, with reasons for so doing.

Appeals may be lodged against the refusal or limitation of the commissioner of police or the district prosecutor to grant access to documents to the Director of Public Prosecutions, which shall take a full decision in the case. An appeal shall be lodged within 14 days of the notification of the decision to the party.

Director of Public Prosecution

Contact us

Tel: 444 2900


Opening hours

Mondays to Thursdays it is open from
9 to 12 and 13 to 15

Fridays are open from 9 to 12


Suðurlandsbraut 4, 6th floor

108 Reykjavík

Social security number 530175-0229