Information for foster parents
End of foster care and changes
Foster care ends when the foster care contract expires at the end of the agreed time. It is important that the end period is well prepared to minimise the child's uncertainty about the future.
End of temporary foster care
Foster care is either temporary or long-term. Temporary foster care lasts for a certain period of time, and is used when it can be assumed that the circumstances can be improved so that the child can return to his or her parents. The length of temporary foster care contracts varies from 3 months to one year.
A month before the end of the foster care, the child protection services must decide about the continuation of the child's case, and then whether the agreement with the foster parents will be extended or other measures taken. The child's status has been evaluated beforehand and whether the goals of the foster care have been achieved.
If a foster child experiences uncertainty about the future, it can cause anxiety that can manifest itself as negative behavior and difficulties in school. It is therefore important that foster parents are involved in the child protection services to prepare for the next steps, often with a few months' notice.
At the end of the foster care period, child protection services must prepare the child for separation from the foster parents and what will take place afterward. If the child is returning to the home of its birth parents, it is important that the return be carefully prepared.
Termination or change of contract
If the foster care contract is for a period of 12 months or less, each party may terminate the contract, with a one-month mutual termination period unless otherwise specified in the foster contract. Termination shall be received in writing and shall be based on the next month.
If a foster care contract is for more than 12 months, each party may wish to change the contract or cancel the contract. If an agreement between the child protection services and foster parents is not reached, the child protection services can, by reasoned ruling, change the foster contract or cancel it. A ruling is appealable to the Welfare Appeals Committee (Úrskurðarnefnd velferðarmála).
Even if a long-term foster contract is made, child protection services can terminate the contract if a birth parent has demonstrated he or she can take back the child and the reasons for foster care are no longer present.
Premature termination of foster care
Foster care can be terminated prematurely, if its aims are not fulfilled the foster care contract is terminated before the end of its period of validity.
Each party may immediately terminate the foster contract in the event of significant non-compliance by the other party.
Among conditions wjere significant non-compliance shall be considered to exist:
There is an unreasonable delay in agreed payments from child protection services to foster parents
The foster parent commits a breach of the provisions of the general criminal law or Chapter XVIII of the Child Protection Act against the foster child or another child
The foster parent commits a serious offence in breach of the provisions of the general criminal or other law
The foster child is living with the foster parent in poor conditions.
If the child protection services consider the foster parent to have seriously underestimated the agreement and no agreement can be reached between the services and the foster parents, the services can take emergency measures according to Article 31 of the Child Protection Act and take the child out of the foster home. Child protection services can subsequently cancel the foster contract with a ruling stating grounds for the decision. Rulings are appealable to the Welfare Appeals Committee.
Changes in the foster parents' circumstances
If the circumstances of the foster parents change during the course of the foster care, such as due to divorce, death, migration or health problems, the foster parents should inform the child protection services that placed the child in the foster care.
The child protection services assess whether there is a need to review the foster contract due to changes in the situation of the foster parents. If an agreement between the child protection services and the foster parents is not reached, the child protection services can, with a ruling stating grounds for the decision, change the foster contract or cancel it. Rulings are appealable to the Welfare Appeals Committee.
Can I have another child in foster care if premature termination of foster care has occurred?
Premature termination of foster care does not preclude the possibility of having another child in foster care. It is necessary to examine the situation surrounding the termination and whether any factors need to be taken into account when a new foster care arrangement is made.
A child wishes to end the foster care
Child protection shall take into account the child's opinions. If a child wishes to terminate foster care, child protection services shall examine the reasons for this, and whether adjustments can be made before the foster care is terminated.
A child over 15 years old is a party to a case and must consent to an out-of-home placement. If a child withdraws his/her consent, the child protection services must decide whether to rule in the case.
End of foster care when the child turns 18
Long-term foster care usually ends at the age of 18.
The agreement may be extended until the child reaches 20 years of age if the child so wishes. Even if the foster care period is completed, the objective of long-term foster care is that the child stay with the foster parents until it can stand on its own two feet and build an independent life.
If further support and services are needed for a foster child after the age of 18, the child protection services shall prepare the referral of the case to the social services in the local authority in question so that there is continuity in services.
If a residence arrangement is needed due to long-term support needs, the support team shall be responsible for assessing future services and residence needs at the age of 17.

Service provider
The National Agency for Children and FamiliesRelated organization
Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare