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Information for drivers about cyclists

Drivers of cars are responsible to other road users and must arrange their driving and speed in such a way as to ensure the safety of all road users. It is important that drivers exercise caution and consideration, especially in the winter, where circumstances can be difficult.

Before leaving

  • Drivers are not allowed to use mobile phones or other smart devices when driving.

In circulation

  • When a vehicle is overtaken by a bicycle or moped, lateral clearance must be at least 1,5 metres.

  • Priority is given to the traffic of the cyclist and the pedestrian, when turning right at intersections.

  • Before turning right, the driver must be sure not to turn in the way of a cyclist he or she may have overtaken.


Drivers need to show special consideration and care to cyclists in roundabouts. Make sure that

  • to make room for the cyclist

  • reduce speed as needed

  • be careful to ensure that the priority of a cyclist who is situated in the inner circle, if travelling in an outer circle

  • it is dangerous to overtake a wheelie on a bend in the same lane, whether in a roundabout or other

Driving rooms

When driving a car out of a driveway over a footpath, care must be taken both to keep in mind traffic on the footpath and on the carriageway. You actually have to drive it two steps out.

  1. Stop at the edge of the driveway and footpath and see if there is any pedestrian or cyclist traffic on the path.

  2. Stop at the edge of the street and look after traffic before driving out onto it.

Laws and rules

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