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Atvik seafarers - a reporting system for marine incidents

Atvik seafarers

Identity protection

-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

  • ATVIK seafarers are designed and developed in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Data Protection Act: 90/2018: Lög um persónuvernd og vinnslu persónuupplýsinga | Lög | Alþingi (

  • ATVIK seafarers is housed in a central database with a recognised host party (ISO 27001) for the purpose of hosting personal data identification in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

  • All data in the system is encrypted.

  • Powerful access control is managed with electronic ID which is managed in the way that only the operator has access to his data.

  • The Transport Accident Investigation Board only has access to notified maritime accidents.

  • The Icelandic Transport Authority and the Transport Accident Investigation Board has access to non-personal statistics from the ATVIK database for use in data-driven preventive work that aims to improve safety in the working environment of seafarers and reduce accidents at sea.

Atvik seafarers