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HMS housing loans

Loan terms

The HMS loans are equal payment loans, with fixed interest rates and can be indexed or non-indexed.

  • Property value (Fasteignamat) has to be under ISK 73 million.

  • The ratio of a loan to the price of the property can be a maximum of 80%.

  • The total loan amount per property can be a maximum of ISK 44 million.

  • Non-indexed loans

    have a fixed interest rate for 3 years at a time.

  • Indexed loans

    have a fixed interest rate for 5 years at a time.

  • It is also possible to get fixed-rate indexed loans for the duration of the loan period.


  • Special needs loans can amount to a maximum of ISK 14,378 million and may be in addition to a ISK 44 million loan. They can be 90% of the price and are indexed only.

  • Equity loans carry no interest but are a percentage of the property price.

See Table of interest

Cost of taking a loan

  • Loan charge is 64.500 ISK

    • First buyers pay no loan charge for base loans (primary mortgage).

  • Registration fee at the District Commissioner’s office (Sýslumaður) is ISK 2.700

  • A credit rating for an individual is ISK 8.400 and ISK 16.400 for couples/cohabitants.