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The Icelandic Transport Authority: Licensing and certificates

What requirements do taxis have to meet?

A taxi registered and operating from a taxi station shall be identified by the station''s signal in the lower centre of the windscreen and the station number in a conspicuous manner in the upper left side of the rear window of the vehicle. A taxi shall be equipped with a yellow roof light (taxi light) (pursuant to regulations on vehicle type and equipment) if it is not driven at a price that is not exclusively agreed (according to information from the permit holder). A taxi shall be equipped with a legally authorised taximeter (according to the Taxi Act) if it is not driven solely according to an agreed price (according to information from the permit holder). Taxi must be equipped with three-point safety belts on all seats, fire extinguishers and first aid kits. A taxi shall be registered in the category of use "Taxi" or "Leigubifreið". If a vehicle is being converted to the category of use, the inspection station will notify Samgongustofa of the changed category of use if it passes the inspection. However, it is always recommended that the taxi operator follows up on the change as well by contacting Samgöngustofa.(annars staðar er notað enska nafnið ykkar) For further details see the inspection manual:

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