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Housing & Construction Authority: Housing benefits and rental matters

Who are “household members” on an application for housing benefits and what do they have to do?

All who reside in the rented property and are registered with domicile there, are considered to be "household members" and need to be included in the application for housing benefits. A parent who has their child/children living with them for a minimum of 30 days per year, may register them as household members regardless of their domicile.
After reaching the age of 18, an individual may only be listed in one application at a time. Household members 18 years and older, must give HMS their consent to gather the information needed to process the application.
When an application has been submitted the applicant therefore has to inform household members 18 years and older, that they need to access their HMS My pages, using their own electronic id, go to My applications and give their consent.

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Housing & Construction Authority

Contact us


Tel: 440 6400

Service hours

Monday to Thursday
8:30 to 15:30

9:00 to 14:00


Borgartúni 21, 105 Reykjavík

Ártorgi 1, 550 Sauðárkróki

Hafnarstræti 107, 600 Akureyri

ID number: 581219-1480