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Directorate of Immigration: Residence permit - General conditions

Can I submit a foreign medical certificate instead of having a medical examination in Iceland?

It is not permitted to submit only a foreign medical certificate instead of undergoing a medical examination for the issuance of a residence permit.

According to information from the Health Care Centre of the Capital Area, it might however be possible to use the results of recent examinations from abroad, if they comply with the Chief Epidemiologist's procedures for the medical examination of people moving to Iceland. Each case must be considered individually.

If you wish to give this a try, you are advised to contact Domus Medica and submit a foreign medical certificate that is not older than three months.

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Directorate of Immigration

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Office hours are 9 - 14 Monday through Friday Service center is open Mon - Thu: 9 - 14 & Fri 9 - 12

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Sími +354 444 0900