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The Í App

What documentation must be included in the application for citizenship?

You must submit the following documents:

Copy of passport

Certificate of legal registration history

Certificate of Icelandic examination

Foreign criminal records certificate

Documents on secure means of support

If you are the spouse of an Icelander, you must also submit:

Marriage certificate or cohabitation certificate

If you are applying for your child, you must also submit:

Copy of child's passport

Birth certificate

Custody documents, if only one of the parents is responsible for the custody

Approval of the custodian, if only one of the parents applies for citizenship

Child's consent, if the child is 12 years old

For further information on the documentation and documentation requirements, please see

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Directorate of Immigration

Service center

Office hours are 9 - 14 Monday through Friday Service center is open Mon - Thu: 9 - 14 & Fri 9 - 12

Dalvegur 18, 201 Kópavogi (see map)

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Sími +354 444 0900