Digital Iceland: Services
What Authorizations Roles are Available?
The types of authorization roles available on are the following.
Note that each type of authorization can have several roles:
My Pages: Provides specific access to a company's My Pages depending on which role is used:
Allsherjarumboð (e. General Authorization):
Has permission to view everything under My Pages on along with the inbox.Pósthólf (e. Inbox):
Has permission to view the messages in the Inbox onúi (e. Payroll Representative):
Has the authority to review payroll claims within Finance that show non-withholding public charges incurred by employees.Bókari (e. Bookkeeper):
Is authorized to examine the status of the Treasury and institutions, movements, payment slips and payment receipts within Finance. Municipality employees are authorized to inspect the municipal tax report that is returned to the municipalities.Fjármálastjóri (e. Finance Manager):
Is authorized to view everything within Finance, i.e. status with the National Treasury and institutions, transactions, payment slips, payment receipts and wage payer claims. A municipality's financial manager also oversees municipal tax (útsvar) that is paid to the municipality.
Samráðsgátt (e. Consultation Portal): Provides access to submit feedback for legal entities.
Umsagnarkerfi (e. Review System): Provides access to licensing portal as a reviewer.
Umsóknarkerfi (e. Application system): Gives access as an applicant to all applications for companies. The application system authorization is the most used authorization, it is required for all applications that require electronic ID login.
Umsýslukerfi (e. Administrative System): Provides access to license applications.
Öryggisbrestur (e. Security Breach): Provides access to report security breaches.
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Digital Iceland