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Grant application to the Lifesaving Fund

About the One Fund

The Rescue Fund is an independent institution owned by the state that provides financial assistance to individuals and companies to compensate for major direct losses caused by natural disasters.

Iceland's Natural Disaster Insurance shall manage the Rescue Fund.

The Lifesaving Fund shall provide grants to make good the damage caused to:

  • on fences, farms and hay

Caused by an unusual:

  • cold, dry, dry or cold

No grants are awarded for claims that:

  • are covered by general insurance coverage or can be compensated by other means.

  • intentionally or negligently not benefit from grants from the Rescue Fund.

  • will be located on larger structures, such as power and port installations, sea defence yards, aquaculture installations and shipyards.

A good description of damage and damage must be made.

  • If fences are damaged, type and composition of fence (barbed wire / net / electricity / wooden / steel posts) must be indicated, age, condition of event, length of damaged area and number of broken poles.

  • If hay is damaged or depleted by cold, dry, dry or cold, the hay supply must be provided from the autumn book of the previous three years.

  • Photographs, aerial photographs with notes, or other data showing the extent of damage.

Application for a grant from Bjargradasjodur


You can read about  laws og regulations for Bjargráðasjóð.

Contact us

Telephone: 575 3300


Opening hours

Monday - Thursday:
9 to 15

Friday: 9 to 14


Hlíðarsmári 14

201 Kópavogur