To start the application, click on "Apply" where it says "Application for the European Health Insurance Card" here above
Here you can see older applications that can be continued if they are "In progress". Click on "New application" to start a new application
Read the information carefully and click on “Continue”
Read information and tick "I understand that the above information will be collected" and then click "Continue". You cannot continue with an application if you do not tick that an individual understands.
The field in front of the application must be ticked with the name of the person who is applying for the card. You can also apply for an electronic card if you already have a valid card. Once you have ticked the persons who are relevant, click on "Continue".
You can apply for an electronic card and this is done by ticking the box before your name and then clicking on “Continue”. If you do not request an electronic card, click directly on “Continue”.
Review the application and make sure everything is correctly completed and then click on "Confirm Application"
Application complete and click on "Back to My Pages"
The European health insurance card is then printed out and sent to the applicant's domicile. It takes 10-14 business days for the card to arrive.

Service provider
Iceland Health