Co-payment for disposable assistive devices
Diabetic aids
Blood glucose test strips and lancets
Payment participation is 90%, but a maximum of 6,500 ISK for a pack (50 pieces) of blood glucose test strips.
The approved quantity depends on:
whether you have type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes
whether to be used in parallel with continuous glucose monitoring sensors due to diabetes (mostly applies to type 1)
what medicine a person takes for diabetes (applies to type 2)
average blood glucose (sugar) levels (HbA1c) in the case of type 2
Blood ketone strips
Blood ketone strips are for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Payment participation is 90% but up to a maximum of 12,500 ISK per pack.
The approved quantity is 100 strips over a period of 12 months.
Meters for blood sugar and blood ketone measurements
The grant is 50%, but up to a maximum of ISK 11,600 and is granted every three years. Health centres lend blood glucose meters for gestational diabetes.
Medicine pens
Grants are provided for the purchase of medicine pens for individuals who receive insulin. Payment participation is 90% but up to a maximum of 26,770 ISK for medicine pens.
The approved quantity is:
two pens per year
four pens per year when both fast and long-acting insulins are used
Disposable needles
Grants are granted for the purchase of disposable needles for injection drugs. The payment participation is 90% and a doctor submits an application.
Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring sensors
Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring sensors are for individuals with type 1 diabetes.
The first application comes from an endocrinologist, but an application for renewal can also come from a nurse in the diabetes outpatient ward, information on the type of sensor must be be included.
Sellers can apply for renewal of the transmitter.
Contracts on insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring sensors are with:

Service provider
Iceland Health