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Certification of weighers

At HMS you can apply for certification to work as a weigher.

Certified weighers issue certificates of weighing that are admissible in Icelandic courts.

Weighers attend a general course at HMS and have to pass an exam to obtain certification that is valid for 10 years.

After that you can extend your certification by attending a refresher course at HMS.

Three day courses are held twice a year. You can either take the course on-site at HMS in Borgartún 21, Reykjavík or by distance learning at educational centers across the country.


  • You must be 20 years or older.

  • You must live in Iceland.

  • You must be of legal age and financially competent.

  • You must understand Icelandic to be able to participate in courses.

  • Applicants may be denied certification based on information from their criminal record regarding previous offenses.


Certification of weighers

Supporting documents

The application must include:

You can access both certificates electronically at

Application received

When you have submitted an application for a general course or a refresher course, you will receive confirmation of receipt by email.

You will receive information by email when the course date approaches and we will send a payment slip to your internet bank which has to be paid before the course begins. By that time you must also have submitted the criminal record and the estate guardianship certificate.


The fee for a general course and certification is in total ISK 100,500.

The fee for a refresher course is ISK 49.200.

Certification granted

When you have passed the exam after a course at HMS, the payer will receive a certification document by mail.

At the same time HMS will add your name to the list of certified weighers.