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The Financial Management Authority Procurement

Buying for the first time

When a product or service is purchased for a public entity, it must be started by checking whether the product or service is part of central contracts from Ríkiskaup. Central contracts are either framework contracts or an interactive procurement system.

Access to a contract system

With access to the contract system of the Government of Iceland, it is possible to view product categories and terms of framework agreements and DPS agreements. When a new registration is made, a request is made to the Government of Iceland for access. Employees of A-part institutions are granted access, but A-part institutions are operated for the public funds.

See if an institution is part A of an institution

Employees of the B-part of institutions apply for membership. Around one hour after a person has just registered, the relevant e-mail is sent, where access is granted to the system, or not.

A good or service is part of an agreement

Contractual purchasing

The goods or services are then purchased according to the terms that apply within the contract. The purchase is made either through direct purchase or by micro-tender.

Contracts for Government Purchases

A good or service is not part of a contract

If what is to be purchased is not part of a framework agreement, it is important to state what the cost is. If the proposed purchase exceeds a certain amount, called the threshold amount, an invitation to tender is made and the general procurement procedure of the Government Purchasing Office is followed.

Buying in for a public body

It is always welcome to send a question to Ríkiskaup.

The Financial Management Authority Procurement

Contact us

Tel: 545-7500


Opening hours


Katrínartúni 6
105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540269-7509