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Bereavement grant


Full-time studies

Parents must have been in full education for at least 6 months during the 12 months preceding the loss of a child.

Full-time studies are:

  • 22 ECTS,

  • 75-100% continuous learning, if not using ECTS units;

  • practical or literal.

This usually means that parents must return two semesters in whole or in part so that the condition for full education for 6 months is met.

Learning Progress

The parent must have met the requirements for academic progress at the time.

The education that is being practiced

The program must:

  • be a student at a primary, secondary or university level,

  • be in an approved educational institution within the general educational system in Iceland,

  • last for at least 6 months.

Furthermore, 75-100% of the total amount of the course is covered by university and other courses that require similar requirements for the preparatory training and university courses. Individual courses are not considered as courses.

The parent shall provide confirmation from the school concerned that he/she has been enrolled in full-time studies and has met the requirements for academic progress at that time. The performance of studies may be taken into account instead of academic achievement on the school semester when the loss of a child, stillbirth or miscarriage occurs.

Exemptions from full-time education requirements

A waiver from the condition of full education may be granted because of the following circumstances of parents.

Work and study

  • When the parent has been on the national labour market for at least 6 consecutive months prior to the start of the study.

  • When the parent has completed at least one other education and has since been continuously on the domestic labour market. The condition is that the education and work have been continuous for at least 6 months.

A disease in pregnancy

When a parent has been unable to attend school due to illness or an accident.

Required data:

  • Certificate of the specialist physician who has treated the person concerned.

  • A confirmation from the school that the person has been in full education.

Parent is finishing school

When the parent is in the last semester of the study and it is clear that the person is completing the study with a diploma.

The applicant must also meet other conditions for full education.

Parents of chronically or severely disabled children

When a parent has received payments on the basis of the law on payments to parents of long-term or severely disabled children, or would have been entitled to such payments had the parent applied for them from the Social Insurance Administration.

In such cases, a confirmation must be submitted from the school that the parent has been enrolled in full education.
