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Bankruptcy or strikes by airlines or airports

If your flight is delayed or cancelled due to strike action or bankruptcy, you are entitled to service and possible refunds or damages.


Passengers who experience difficulties due to strike action have the right to information and services, as do other passengers, for example:

  • meal and refreshments according to the length of the delay

  • phone call

  • accommodation if needed

  • trip to accommodation

Strikes by 3rd parties, for example airport staff, air traffic controllers or loaders, are considered force majeure. Airline staff strikes do not count as force majeure.


Air passengers' legal position in the financial difficulties of airlines and travel agencies varies depending on the service they have been purchased, by whom and where.

If a flight is canceled due to bankruptcy before the trip begins, you can:

  • declare a claim to the bankruptcy estate

  • claim a refund from a credit card company, if the ticket was paid for by credit card

If a passenger is abroad when an airline goes bankrupt, it is possible to:

claim a refund from a credit card company, if the ticket was paid for by credit card