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Application for parental leave

Apply for maternity and paternity leave

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Planning your leave

General information about planning your leave

  • Both parents can start maternity and paternity leave up to one month before the expected date of birth of the child, or later.

  • The birthing parent must take a leave period the first two weeks after birth. If they choose not to take a period of leave then, the two weeks are deducted from their overall right.

  • Rights to maternity and paternity leave must be used during the first 24 months of the child's life.

  • Each leave period must be 2 weeks or longer.

  • Workers have the right to take the maternity and paternity leave all at once.

  • Leave can also be divided into periods or taken at a reduced rate, in agreement with the employer.

Agreement with the employer

If the employer cannot accept a request for the planning of maternity and paternity leave, they must propose a different arrangement in consultation with the applicant. This must be done in writing, for instance by email, stating the reasons for the changed arrangement.

Maternity and paternity leave planner

It is possible to change a period that has been registered and register a new period after the leave commences. This is done in the same application that was sent to apply. The application is on My pages on Í, under Applications. A new application should not be created.

Personal tax credit for each period

When a new period of parental leave is registered, an application must be submitted again for the use of personal tax credit.

Claim for personal tax credit

Apply for maternity and paternity leave