In order to be granted a specific aircraft maintenance clearance, a Part 66 licence holder must have a type rating on the appropriate aircraft.
The type rating shall be determined by the basic rating held by the licence holder and by the aircraft category. There are three groups:
Aircraft having been defined as complex motor-powered aircraft. For Group 1 aircraft, a single type rating is granted.
Aircraft other than those of Group 1. Group 2 is divided into three subcategories:
Category 2a: Single turbor-propeller engine aeroplane. A single type rating, group type rating or full group rating is granted.
Category 2b: Single turbor-propeller engine helicopters. A single type rating, group type rating or full group rating is granted.
Category 2c: Single piston engine helicopters. A single type rating is granted for a group type rating or for a full group rating.
Aeroplanes with reciprocating engine do not belong to group 1 above. A single type rating or a full group rating is granted with the following restrictions as appropriate:
Pressurized aeroplanes.
Metal structure aeroplanes.
Composite structure aeroplanes.
Wooden structure aeroplanes.
Aeroplanes with metal tubing structure covered with fabric.
For Part 66 licence holders with a B3 base rating only a group rating is granted for "Piston-engine non-pressurised aeroplanes of 2000 kg MTOM and below" with the following restrictions as appropriate:
Metal structure aeroplanes.
Composite structure aeroplanes.
Wooden structure aeroplanes.
Aeroplanes with metal tubing structure covered with fabric.
Theoretical and practical training shall have been commenced and completed within 3 years of the date of application for a type rating.
Ways to obtain type or group certificate
For obtaining a B1, B2 or C type rating for aircraft covered by group 1:
Complete approved type training from EASA Part 147 maintenance training organisation. Recognised type training consists of theoretical and practical training. This must be accompanied by a certificate of recognition (Certificate of Recognition).
In the case of a first class/sub-category rating, on-the-job training must also be completed.
However, a person applying for a C type rating only does not need to complete on-the-job training.
For a single B1 or C type rating for a group 2 aircraft there are two approaches:
Apply for a type rating after approved type training in the same arrangement as described in group 1.
Pass type examinations at a recognised EASA 147 school or the Icelandic Transportation and Transport Agency and demonstrate practical experience afterwards.
It is possible to apply for group ratings in subcategories belonging to Group 2. That group rating may be restricted to a manufacturer or to a group rating of the relevant subcategory in its entirety, i.e.:
Full sub-group 2a
Full sub-group 2b
Full sub-group 2c.
Producer-led group rights (manufacturer sub-group rating) for B1. 1, B1. 3, B1. 4 and C rating
The applicant shall comply with the conditions for at least two aircraft type ratings from the same manufacturer representing together that sub-group of aircraft of the manufacturer.
Where sub-group aircraft of the same manufacturer are different, it may take more than two type ratings from the same manufacturer to qualify for a manufacturer group rating.
Group rating (Full sub-group rating) for B1. 1, B1. 3, B1. 4 and C rating
The applicant shall comply with the requirements of at least three aircraft type ratings from different manufacturers representing the sub-group of aircraft type in total.
Where sub-group aircraft of different manufacturers are different, it may take more than three type ratings from different manufacturers to qualify for a manufacturer group rating.
Although group 2 does not include aircraft of group 1, it is possible to obtain a group 1 type rating credit when applying for a group type rating or a full group rating.
In order to obtain a single B2 type rating for Group 2 aircraft, the same arrangement as is listed in Group 2 is made for licence holders holding a B1 or C base rating.
It is possible to obtain a B2 group rating, whether it is a group rating for a particular manufacturer or a group rating on the subcategory as a whole. When practical experience is demonstrated which includes a representative cross section of the maintenance tasks of the licence category and of the subgroup concerned. This means that the timely practical experience to obtain a B2 group rating for Group 2 aircraft is sufficient.
For a group 3 aircraft, the arrangement to obtain a single B1, B2 or C type rating is the same as for aircraft in group 2 for licence holders with a B1 or C basic rating.
A licence holder holding a B1, B2 or C basic rating may apply for a "Full group 3" group rating by demonstrating practical experience in aeroplane maintenance tasks, which are included in that group. However, the licence holder shall be granted a "Full group 3" group rating with the following restrictions as appropriate:
Pressurized aeroplanes.
Metal structure aeroplanes.
Composite structure aeroplanes.
Wooden structure aeroplanes.
Aeroplanes with metal tubing structure covered with fabric.
A limitation may be removed when practical experience for a limitation has been demonstrated.
Only one type of rating (group rating) is available for licence holders with a B3 basic rating:
Piston-engine non-pressurised aeroplanes of 2,000 kg MTOM and below.
A licence holder with a B3 basic rating may apply for the said group rating by demonstrating practical experience in aeroplane maintenance tasks, relevant to that group with the following limitations:
Metal structure aeroplanes.
Composite structure aeroplanes.
Wooden structure aeroplanes.
Aeroplanes with metal tubing structure covered with fabric.
A limitation may be removed when practical experience for a limitation has been demonstrated.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority