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The Í App

Advocacy services for applicants for international protection


The cost for the advocacy service is paid by the treasury in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 13 of the Foreign Nationals Act and is paid in accordance with Article 42 of the Regulation on Foreign Nationals, ISK 16,500 for each hour of work started plus value added tax.

Only advocates appointed by the Directorate of Immigration will be paid by the treasury. If a foreign national chooses another advocate than that appointed, he/she shall pay the cost of his/her work himself/herself.

In cases where the maximum number of hours are used up at the lower administration level, the Directorate of Immigration will pay for the work hours of an advocate at the higher administration level in accordance with the time table below.


Invoices for advocacy services provided shall be sent to the Directorate of Immigration electronically with reference to the Directorate's case number, together with a detailed time report and the letter of appointment.

  • Only one invoice is accepted for the services provided to each applicant for international protection at the end of the case, or when the number of hours permitted is reached. Alternatively, one invoice may be sent at the end of the case at the lower administrative level and a second one at the at the end of the case at the higher administrative level. If more than one invoice is sent for the processing of the same case, at the Directorate of Immigration or Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board, the subsequent invoice will be rejected.

    • In the case of a family, one invoice shall be sent for services provided to each parent, with the children included in one of them. The case numbers of the children must be stated in the respective invoice.

    • In the case of a single parent, the case number of the child or children shall be stated in the parent's invoice and the hours billed shall be explained in the time report.

  • The work conducted after the final decision on a case, such as on requests for suspension of legal effect or the reopening of a case, is not paid for.

  • Driving time, including driving to and from an interview, is not paid for.


At the Directorate of Immigration

Adult applicant

Child (6-12 years old) accompanied by single parent

Child (13-17 years old) accompanied by single parent

Unaccompanied child*

Accelerated procedure

7 hours

1 hour

2 hours

15 hours

Substantive procedure

15 hours

1 hour

2 hours

15 hours

Article 36 case

10 hours

1 hour

2 hours

15 hours

Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board

Adult applicant

Unaccompanied child*

Accelerated procedure

4 hours

10 hours

Substantive procedure

10 hours

10 hours

Article 36 case

8 hours

10 hours

*The same payments apply when a child comes to the country and applies for protection after the parent's procedure has been completed.

Interpreting services

The Directorate of Immigration pays the cost of interpreting services for up to 90 minutes, if such services are needed for communicating with an applicant. The Directorate buys services from both Icelandic and foreign interpreting services.

For interpreting services, a maximum of ISK 16,000 per hour including VAT is paid. A bill for 90 minutes of interpreting services can therefore not be higher than ISK 24,000.

Advocates must book interpreters with reasonable notice so that no extra charge is required. The Directorate does not pay invoices ordered without notice or invoices marked "emergency interpretation".

Advocates shall account for the cost in an itemized invoice to the Directorate of Immigration.