Adoption of a Stepchild Over 18 years old
The application for stepchild adoption is submitted by the stepparent who wishes to adopt their stepchild. Before applying for the adoption of a stepchild, it is important to review the general information on the conditions for stepchild adoption.
Supporting Documents with the Application
Birth certificate of the person to be adopted, if they were born abroad.
Birth certificate of the applicants, if they were born abroad.
Marriage certificate or documents proving the minimum cohabitation period.
Statement from the spouse or cohabiting partner of the person to be adopted regarding the adoption request.
Issuance of the Adoption Permit
When the District Commissioner approves the application and issues the adoption permit, the permit is sent to the applicant by mail. Notification of the adoption is sent to other parties involved in the matter.
A notification about the adoption is also sent to the National Registry of Iceland.
For name changes, it is advised to apply with the National Registry of Iceland.
Denial of Adoption
If the District Commissioner refuses to issue an adoption permit, this is done with a reasoned decision.
Appealing the Decision of the District Commissioner
An appeal against the decision of the District Commissioner can be submitted to the Ministry of Justice within two months from the date of the decision.
Service provider
District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavik