The Í App
Answers by category
Homestay, business licenses, a special event permit, attorney's licenses, permission to burn a bonfire, other licenses
Criminal records, mortgage certificates, no-debt certificates
Death notification, division of estate, inheritance, inheritance tax, prepaid inheritance, transfer in cemeteries, distribution of ashes
Writ of distraint, compulsory sale, writ of injunction, eviction
Child support, marriage, custody of a child, child's access, mediation in child-related disputes, divorce, acknowledgements of Paternity, adoption
Taxes, fees, fines and more
Legal guardians, involuntary commitment, deprivation of personal capacity, financial capacity or both,
Driving licenses, passports, ID cards, P-card
Certification of document translators and court interpreters, real estate agents, driving instructor's license
Conditions for purchase. Amount paid. The application. The action and next steps. Buyer and procurement process.
Registration of documents, notaria certification and more
Marriage abroad, subpoenas, religious and life-viewing associations, compensation committee and more
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