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Adopting a Child from Abroad

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Those residing in Iceland cannot adopt a child from abroad unless the District Commissioner grants approval by issuing a pre-approval for the adoption.

There is only one certified adoption agency in Iceland, Íslensk ættleiðing (Icelandic Adoption), and only certified adoption agencies can facilitate adoptions. Facilitation involves activities aimed at connecting prospective adoptive parents with authorities, other public entities, or certified adoption agencies in the child’s country of origin, and providing necessary assistance to ensure a lawful adoption.

People considering adopting a child from abroad can receive information and guidance from Íslensk ættleiðing, which is usually the first step in the process. The agency also offers courses for those contemplating adoption, such as "Is Adoption Right for Me?"

Conditions for Pre-Approval

Applicants for pre-approval may be people in cohabitation or marriage, regardless of sexual orientation, as well as single individuals. The adoption must always prioritize the child's best interests. There are requirements to ensure the family foundation is stable enough to provide a nurturing environment where the child can grow and thrive. The criteria for pre-approval aim to guarantee this.

The conditions are set out in the Adoption Act and regulations on adoption.

Applicants must meet these criteria when submitting the pre-approval application to the District Commissioner:

Cohabitation and Duration

  • Married couples must have lived together continuously for at least two years.

  • Individuals in registered cohabitation must have lived together continuously for at least five years.

Age Requirements

  • Applicants must be at least 25 years old. Exceptions can be made if the applicant is at least 20 years old and special circumstances apply.

  • Applicants aged 25 to 50 may apply to adopt a child aged 0 to 5 years and/or a child older than 5. The maximum age is based on the older applicant. Pre-approval for adopting a child aged 0 to 5 expires when the older applicant reaches 51.

  • Applicants aged 51 to 55 may apply to adopt a child older than 5 years. The maximum age is based on the older applicant. Pre-approval for adopting a child older than 5 expires when the older applicant reaches 56.

Physical and Mental Health

Applicants must be in good physical and mental health to ensure, as far as possible, that the adoption will be in the child's best interest. They must not suffer from any condition that significantly reduces their life expectancy until the child reaches legal adulthood or impairs their ability to care for the child. Applicants must submit health information and medical certificates with their application.

Other Requirements

  • Applicants must possess the qualities and understanding of children’s needs necessary to be competent custodians.

  • Applicants' finances must be stable.

  • Applicants must have suitable housing and facilities to provide a supportive environment for the child.

  • Applicants must not have a criminal record that raises doubts about their ability to provide a good upbringing.

Application for Pre-Approval

Íslensk ættleiðing submits the pre-approval application to the District Commissioner.

Supporting Documents for Pre-Approval Application

More information about the required documents can be found on the pre-approval application form:

  • Health information and medical certificate on a special form

  • The last three tax returns

  • Income information from the previous year if the tax return has not yet been sent in.

  • The last three payslips

  • Recent loan payment slips or a loan status report from the lender (if applicable)

  • Status report from the Icelandic Student Loan Fund (if applicable)

  • Birth certificate

  • Marriage or registered cohabitation certificate

  • Confirmation of cohabitation duration from the National Registry (if applicable)

  • Clear documentation of cohabitation duration (if applicable)

  • Confirmation of having attended a pre-adoption preparation course

  • List of defined needs (if applicable)

  • Follow-up reports (if the applicant has previously adopted a child)

  • Other documents

Handling of the Case by the District Commissioner

Once the application is received from Íslensk ættleiðing, the District Commissioner conducts an initial review, including collecting criminal records and information from the National Registry. The application and documents are then reviewed by a representative. If any conditions, such as age or cohabitation duration, are clearly not met, the application may be rejected at this stage without consulting the Child Protection Committee. However, applicants are given a chance to submit additional supporting documents.

The District Commissioner then forwards the application for a review by the Child Protection Committee, which investigates the applicants' circumstances and assesses their suitability to adopt a foreign child. The committee usually has three to four months to submit its review, with copies sent to Íslensk ættleiðing and the applicants. While awaiting the review, the application is on hold with the District Commissioner.

After the review is received, the District Commissioner examines it and informs the applicants, allowing them to comment. If sufficient information is available and all criteria are met, pre-approval is issued. If there is doubt about meeting the requirements, a representative of the District Commissioner may seek advice from the Adoption Committee, which generally has three months to respond. The applicants are informed of the response and can provide comments.

Once enough information is gathered, the District Commissioner decides whether to issue pre-approval or reject the application. The reviews from the Child Protection Committee and Adoption Committee are not binding for the decision.

Issuance of Pre-Approval

When the District Commissioner approves the application, a pre-approval certificate is issued, with the original sent to Íslensk ættleiðing, which handles the submission of the application to the child's country of origin.

Rejection of Pre-Approval

If pre-approval is rejected, a reasoned decision is issued.

Appealing the decision of the District Commissioner

Applicants can appeal this decision to the Ministry of Justice within two months from the date of the decision.

Approval According to Article 17.c

The District Commissioner of the Capital Area is responsible for issuing approval according to Article 17.c of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Intercountry Adoption, which relates to proceeding with a proposed adoption of a specific child.

Those who have adopted a child abroad before the interventions of Íslensk ættleiðing, on the bases on pre-approval issued by the District Commissioner of the Capital Area, may later request confirmation of the adoption's legal effects or an adoption permit, but it depends on the country of adoption. Íslensk ættleiðing handles the submission of the application and documents.

Follow-Up Reports

The District Commissioner of the Capital Area prepares follow-up reports after a child has been adopted in Iceland. These reports provide information on the child's status after arriving in the country and are sent to the country of origin upon request. The number of reports required varies by country. The District Commissioner contacts the parents when the preparation of such a report begins.


The District Commissioner of the Capital Area handles all adoption-related matters nationwide.

Adoption inquiries should be directed to the District Commissioner of the Capital Area, Hlíðasmári 1, Kópavogur.

For questions or assistance, contact the office by phone or email at

Electronic Document Delivery

Documents can be sent electronically to the applicant's mailbox at To receive a notification, the mailbox settings must be changed accordingly.


No fee is charged for submitting a pre-approval application to the District Commissioner.

District Commissioners

Greater Reykjavík

Mon to Thu 8:30 - 15
Fri. 8:30 - 14

West Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 10 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

West Fjords Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 14
Fri. 9 - 13:30

North West Iceland

Mon. to Fri. 9 - 15

North East Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

East Iceland

Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

South Iceland

Mon. to Fri. 9 - 15

Westman Islands

Mon. to Thu. 9:15 - 15
Fri. 9:15 - 14


Mon. to Fri. 8:30 - 15