About the Data Portal and General Guidelines
Terms of Use for Gagnagátt
These are the terms that apply to the use and access to Gagnagátt of Iceland Health. These terms will apply to the user once the person has agreed to them.
Use of Gagnagátt
Gagnagátt is a “my pages” for healthcare professionals and operators who are in business or have relations with Iceland Health.
The purpose of using Gagnagátt is to share information and data in a secure manner. Those who interact with Iceland Health are obliged to use Gagnagátt to share and receive data and information that concerns individuals, as specified in Article 50 of the law number 112/2008.
Categories of information
Information in Gagnagátt is threefold:
Trade information. Information on business transactions between the operator and Iceland Health, including payment documents and payment statements.
Information on rights. Information on the rights and status of individuals, applications, certificates and other information related to the administration of matters concerning users of healthcare/ applicants.
Data exchange. Data exchange in connection with individual cases/applications.
When logging in to Gagnagátt, the login service is used. Individuals who are registered as additional users can register as Individuals. Main users, that is, individuals who have a mandate for healthcare providers (institutions/enterprises) through Ísland.is, should register as Authorised through Ísland.is.
If a user becomes aware in any way that an unauthorised party has accessed an electronic ID, the user shall immediately contact the issuer of the electronic ID and request that the relevant ID be blocked in order to prevent it from being misused by unauthorized parties in Gagnagátt.
Please familiarize yourself with the terms of Ísland.is which can be accessed on their website.
The following parties can access Gagnagátt:
Operators and healthcare providers (organisations) who are in business with Iceland Health can have access to business information and data returns. The primary user can register employees as secondary users. Access is only provided through the operator/institution's ID number.
Healthcare workers can access rights information through their own social security number (kennitala). Healthcare worker who is in business with Iceland Health in his own social security number (kennitala) can access business information, rights information and data returns.
Data protection officers can get special access to Gagnagátt.
Use of contact information
The primary user of the healthcare provider or operator shall register the institution/entity's e-mail address under Settings. Healthcare professionals and data protection officers shall register work e-mail addresses, not private e-mail addresses under Settings.
The email address registered in Gagnagátt is used for:
sending notifications of new letters to Gagnagátt.
other statutory tasks Iceland Health, service surveys and more
User responsibilities
The user must take the necessary precautions to ensure personalised security features when logging in and using Gagnagátt.
The user is responsible for all actions he/she performs following login to Gagnagátt.
The user is responsible for the correctness of information and data sent through Gagnagátt. In the case of information originating from a non-user, the user is responsible for its correctness.
A user is only allowed to use access to Gagnagátt for the sake of his/her work.
The user is prohibited from using the access for his own personal use, that is because of the rights and/or cases of the person concerned with Iceland Health.
The user may not allow other parties to use access or share information from Gagnagátt to an unauthorised party.
If the user is aware that others are using his access, he or she must inform Iceland Health immediately via the email address hjalp@sjukra.is
Access for secondary users is the responsibility of the operator and healthcare providers (primary user).
The user is responsible for the correctness of his user information, including his email address.
Security and retention times
Appropriate technical and organisational measures have been taken to ensure the security of information contained in Gagnagátt. Gagnagátt is protected through a web-based platform and all communications are encrypted.
Information in Gagnagátt stored for an unspecified period of time.
Iceland Health obligations
Iceland Health the responsible party for the information that can be found in Gagnagátt. In the case of information originating from a third party, the person is responsible for its accuracy. The processing of personal data in Gagnagátt is subject to the provisions of Article 50 of Act No. 112/2008 on health insurance, the provisions of the Act on Personal Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data No. 90/2018 and the law No. 97/1997 on the Rights of Patients, when applicable. All information in Gagnagátt is treated as confidential. See further Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy for individuals who communicate with the institution.
Iceland Health reserves the right to review these terms without special notice or warning.
In the event of a user's breach of these terms, Iceland Health reserves the right to block a user's access to Gagnagátt and demand compensation or use other lawful remedies for damages that Iceland Health or the institution's customers may suffer as a result of the breach.
Data and information in Gagnagátt may contain personal data, including sensitive ones. If data has been received by the wrong recipient, the person concerned must remain as confidential as possible and inform Iceland Health. The data must not be registered with the user or used in any way, as per Act No. 70/2022 on Electronic Communications. If the user has been aware of this, the data protection officer shall be informed immediately via the email address personuvernd@sjukra.is.

Service provider
Iceland Health