VS catch
VS catch is catch landed outside the catch limit of the vessel catching the catch, and the proceeds of the catch are invested in the Fisheries Project Fund.
The captain may decide that part of the catch in a fishing trip does not count towards the vessel's catch limit and registers the catch as VS. This authorization shall be limited to 0,5 % of the pelagic catch and 5 % of the other marine catch, and shall be conditional on the catch being kept separate from the rest of the vessel's catch and shall be weighed and registered separately.
It is also a condition that the catch be auctioned and sold in the fish market. The operator of the ship's company receives 20% of the value of the sales of the catch divided between the company and the crew. The fish market that offers the catch is responsible for returning the proceeds of the catch to the Treasury, net of the port fees and the cost of the auction.
The catch authorization is divided into four three-month periods in the fishing year and is calculated from the catch of the ship that has been landed.
Unused permits may not be transferred between the periods.
However, haddock and catches obtained as by-catch in way of lumpfish fishing may be considered as catches for the entire fishing year.

Service provider
The Directorate of Fisheries