Vintage number plates
Vintage number plates
Vintage number plates are number plates that can be used on vehicles registered as vintage vehicles and were registered before the year 1989. The vintage plate type and inscription shall be in accordance with the age of the vehicle as explained in the article Vintage number plate types and inscription.
To apply for a right to an inscription on a vintage number plate an application must be submitted to the Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA). The applicant must be the owner, co-owner or keeper of the vehicle. The vintage number plate inscription is assigned to the holder's ID number, not to the vehicle. Cars, motorcycles and tractors that meet the applicable age requirements may carry vintage number plates. Registration of rights is indefinite.
Once the application has been approved by ICETRA the owner can get the vintage number plates produced. When the number plates are ready they have to be approved by ICETRA and after that they are transferred to an inspection station where they are delivered.
The vintage number plate inscription must be in accordance with the rules that were in force when the vehicle was first registered. It is allowed to use an inscription which was previously in use, if the vehicle to which the number was used on is deregistered. A vintage number plate cannot be identical to another licence number, whether it is a regular number, a private number or another vintage licence number.
By submitting an application to ICETRA the right to a vintage number plate can be waived or transferred to a new owner. The previous owner may allow the new owner to use the same number plates, provided that they are in good condition and legible.
Vintage vehicles are due for inspection in May. The vehicle should therefore be inspected before the end of July. Vintage vehicles are to be inspected every other year, based on the year of the first registration of the vehicle.
The registration fee for a vintage number is 558 ISK
The cost of producing the number plates varies according to the manufacturer.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority