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Registration for a practical test on work machines

Registration for a practical test

After completing the theoretical training, theoretical test and practical training on smaller work machines, you can register for a practical examination.

You will be assigned an examiner who will contact you within three working days to schedule the exam. A valid photo ID must be shown before taking the exam.

In the registration you need to state:

Who pays for the exam and the certificate?

  • You choose individual registration if you intend to pay for the exam and certificate. Individuals pay during the registration process.

  • You choose company registration if a company pays for the exam and certificate. Companies receive an invoice.

Where the examination takes place?

The location of the examination must be registered.

How many people are taking exams?

You can enter several exam takers when practical exams are requested for a group of staff.

Which categories of rights you want to take?

You must select the exam categories you want to take. An examination fee is paid for each category.


You need to register an instructor who has a recognized teaching license in the license category in which the person intends to take the exam. The instructor's phone number or e-mail address must be registered. The person will then receive a message to log in and confirm that practical training has taken place.

Construcion crane test

Good eyesight, hearing and mobility are required to operate a construction crane. A medical certificate must be sent before the practical crane test takes place. The certificate must confirm the following:

  • Vision: ≥0.8 in the better eye and ≥0.1 in the worse eye (with glasses)

  • Field of vision normal

  • Hearing normal

  • Limb bearing normal and unhindered

  • The applicant is healthy in other respects and does not have a disease or is taking medication or other substances that interfere with judgment or can cause a sudden loss of consciousness.

Certificate must be less than six months old. Instead of a medical certificate, a certificate of enhanced driving privileges that is less than 6 months old can be presented.

Registration for a practical test

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