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Announce unpaid parental leave

Notification of unpaid parental leave

Parental leave is a non-paid leave to care for a child. Parents are entitled to 4 months of parental leave, for each child, until the child is 8 years old.

The leave is an agreement between the parent and the employer but parents need to inform the Directorate of Labour.


  • The parent works in Iceland.

  • The parent has worked continuously for 6 months with the same employer. It does not matter whether the employment is temporary or not.

Right to parental leave

The right to parental leave is established by:

  • birth of a child,

  • the initial adoption of a child under the age of 8,

  • the taking of a child under the age of 8 into permanent foster care.


Individuals who plan to take unpaid parental leave should inform their employer as soon as possible, at least 6 weeks before the planned start date of the leave.

Application process

  1. Fill out the form at the top of the page.

  2. The application form is signed by the parent and the employer.

  3. The employer gives a copy to the parent.

  4. The copy must be submitted to the Directorate of Labour: Submit documents

  5. The employer registers the leave, providing the parent the option to have the number of leave days confirmed.

About unpaid parental leave

Leave arrangements

Parents have the right to take parental leave in one period. Parents can also use the leave in other ways. For example, it is possible to divide the leave into more periods or take parental leave in with a reduced employment rate.


Rights extended due to postponement

The period of parental leave may be extended until the 9th birthday of the child. This applies when the employer's decision to delay parental leave results in the parent not being able to complete the leave before the child turns 8 years old.

Right is suspended

The right to parental leave shall expire when the child is 8 years old.

Rights re-established

The right to parental leave is effective again if a child is later diagnosed with a serious and chronic disease or severe disability. This right is valid until the child is 18 years old, if the parent has not exhausted the right before the child is 8 years old.

Duties of the employer

The employer shall try to meet the wishes of the parent regarding the arrangements for parental leave.

If the employer cannot accept the parents requests, they must propose a different arrangement in consultation with the parent. The proposed arrangement should be in writing, for example in an email, stating the reasons for the changed arrangement.

Cannot postpone your holiday

The employer must not delay parental leave. Exceptions are if:

  • the job is seasonal,

  • there is no appropriate replacement,

  • a large proportion of employees apply for parental leave at the same time,

  • the parent plays a key role in the highest level of management of an organisation.

Delayed for 6 months - no longer

The employer may not delay parental leave for more than six months from the time the parental leave was to begin, as the parents wished, except with their consent.

Presence essential

Parental leave that is a direct continuation of maternity and paternity leave, or if the child is ill so that the presence of the parent is necessary, may not be postponed.

Late responses

If the employer has agreed to the leave or has not responded within a week, they may not delay the leave.

Rights that a parent has acquired, or is gaining, when parental leave begins shall remain unchanged until the end of the leave. Changes in rights, for example through legislative changes or new collective agreements, also extend to parents on parental leave.

Return to work and termination protection

An employee has the right to return to their job after unpaid parental leave. The same rules apply as in the case of maternity and paternity leave.

For the determination of parental leave and conditions in other respects, refer to Chapters XI and XII of the Act on parental leave (in Icelandic).

Notification of unpaid parental leave

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