Treatment of biopsies, genetic and biological data and personal data protection
Genetic information refers to information concerning the genetic or acquired traits of a person, which highlights his physiology or health and is obtained mainly by analysis of biological samples from the person concerned.
Biometric data means personal data obtained through special technical processing and related to a person's physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics, which enable the identification or confirmation of a person's identity in a unambiguous manner, such as facial features or data on fingerprints.
Biomarkers include blood samples, urine samples or tissue samples.
Genetic, biometric and biological data are considered in the meaning of the Data Protection Act.
The processing of sensitive personal data is prohibited unless one of the conditions of the Data Protection Act for the processing of such data is fulfilled.
Information on when it is deemed possible to process sensitive personal data can be found here.
Furthermore, when processing any type of data it is necessary to make sure that the processing takes place in accordance with the data protection principles listed here.