Third level of education
Students who are beginning secondary-school education differ as regards preparation, interests, learning ability and maturity. The organisation of the curriculum, therefore, is based around a variety of programmes.
Arrangement of the third level of education
School curricula are issued in all secondary schools. The curricula describe available study programmes, the length and content of courses, division according to subject matter, teaching methods, learning assessments and administrative methods. The school board of the school in question must approve the curriculum for it to take effect, and the board monitors its implementation.
The Minister of Education appoints a five-member school board to prepare annual work plans and the budget for the school. Teachers and students shall act as observers and have the right to speak and submit suggestions.
The school head, appointed by the Minister of Education, governs the school and is responsible for day-to-day operations and work.
The school head recruits the assistant head and all other staff members, in consultation with the school board.
The school board shall provide the head teacher with advice and assistance with the management of the school. The board consists of management and the representatives of teachers and students.
Student committees in secondary schools have, among other things, the right to make suggestions and comment on the goals of study programmes, educational material, and teaching arrangements. Student associations, which are the general associations of students in each school, establish rules on the appointment, responsibilities and procedures of student committees.
Links of interest
The Educational System in Iceland, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Upper Secondary Education/The College System, Multicultural and Information Centre
Laws and regulations

Service provider
The Ombudsman for Children